More young people than ever are telling us that they are experiencing extreme anxiety

GEMs picture

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61% of referred young people between May '21 and April '22 were experiencing extreme anxiety. This is an increase of 39% from the year before. 

Anxiety can present as:

  • Social anxiety (86% increase)

  • Friendship issues (128% increase)

  • Sleeping issues (142% increase)

  • Somatisation/health issues (298% increase)

  • Eating issues (95% increase).

All these presenting symptoms can and do have an impact on a young person’s ability to fully engage with education and learning.

Most young people with these challenges struggle to attend school, either finding it difficult to wake up in the morning and leave their house to go to school or find it hard to manage classroom activities or peer interactions once they are there. 

Schools have told us that they have pupil attendance high in their priority agendas as rates are lower, often having to work closely with the family to understand what the barriers are.

When we support families therapeutically, we provide young people and their parents/carers the tools to regulate the nervous system so that the child feels calm and safe to engage in the school environment.

Our GEMs can make a real difference to the support we can offer to young people and their families every year. Can you be a GEM and provide a lifeline to young people in need of specialist support?


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