A spotlight on step-down support in lockdown

Step-down support can often be recommended for children and young people that have received a course of bespoke therapy.

We describe it as an opportunity for children and young people to test their empowering emotional resilience tools that therapy has awarded them with.

During lockdown 1 Abbie and Evie both received step-down support having accessed therapy in the past due to a family bereavement and bullying.

Their mother Jenny described the support they received as:

“Comforting to know that they both had someone to talk to outside of the family during lockdown. They have both amazed me with their resilience – what they have learnt independently is huge. As a family we could not be more grateful for having an ongoing link with Kids Inspire, whether that’s through step-down or community outreach – we truly appreciate their support.”

Step-down services include:

  • Mentoring

  • The Voice Forum.


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